My Mindset Matters Most: Quiz

What mindset are you operating in right now?
Find out in just 12 questions
Some quick advice...
For each of the questions, answer with the response that most closely matches what you would do.
Remember, no one will have access to your specific results (unless you want them to!) so take the chance to reflect and be truly honest with yourself – even if right now you’re not completely the version of yourself that you know you can be.
You are sitting in a jam, late for your meeting. What do you do?
You meet someone close that seems very happy and fulfilled in their life. What do you do?
You’ve just received a piece of negative feedback. What do you do?
You don’t feel appreciated enough and that you’re taken for granted. What do you do?
Someone offloads their frustration on you. What do you do?
Someone close to you has done something that has really upset you. What do you do?
Someone close to you has just been diagnosed with a serious disease. What do you do?
You need to decide on what to order for take away. What do you do?
You feel exhausted at work and things keep piling up on your desk. What do you do?
You don’t feel like work is helping you grow, and you’ve been unhappy for a few months now. What do you do?
You have just taken on a task that you don’t know how to solve. What do you do?
Your organization is going to lay off some people to reduce cost. You don’t know what that means for you. What do you do?
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